No Fly Zone: Korea's Exam Day Silence


South Korea recently witnessed its annual ritual of national focus and intense pressure: the College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT), a pivotal exam that shapes the future of nearly 650,000 high school seniors. The nation effectively paused, demonstrating the immense importance placed on this single day.

The day began with extraordinary measures to ensure students arrived at exam centers on time. Police escorts were provided for students stuck in traffic, and business hours, including the stock market, were delayed to alleviate congestion. Younger students lined the gates, offering cheers and support, while parents filled temples and churches, fervently praying for their children's success.

The government implemented strict measures to minimize distractions. Military drills and live-fire exercises were postponed, and a 40-minute ban on airport landings and departures was enforced during the English listening comprehension section. Flight tracking websites showed the impact, with airspace near Seoul's airports clearing completely.

The CSAT's significance stems from South Korea's highly competitive educational landscape. A degree from a prestigious university is seen as vital for career success, driving students to dedicate years to rigorous study. This relentless pursuit of academic excellence has led to a thriving private education sector, with parents investing billions in supplementary tutoring.

However, the pressure to succeed takes a severe toll. Reports of student depression and suicide before and after the exam are tragically common, highlighting the psychological burden placed on young people. The intense competition and fear of failure create a stressful environment that can have devastating consequences.

Despite the pressure, the exam day culminates in a collective release. Restaurants and entertainment venues offer special discounts and promotions for students, creating a celebratory atmosphere. Airlines also provide discounted fares for students and their companions. This post-exam celebration offers a moment of respite after years of intense preparation.

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