A New Trend Sweeps China: "Pre-set" Maternity Photos


Image: scmp.com

A unique trend has emerged in China: young, unmarried women are taking maternity photos while not pregnant, using fake bellies. This "pre-set photoshoot" trend reflects a desire to capture and celebrate significant life moments while still at their physical peak, amidst declining birth and marriage rates in the country.

Image: scmp.com

The trend gained national attention after a popular influencer, "Meizi Gege," shared her pre-set maternity photoshoot online. Her video showcased her slender figure and sparked a wave of interest, with many women expressing their desire to follow suit.

Taking pre-set maternity photos is relatively simple. Fake bellies are readily available online in various sizes and textures, allowing women to simulate different stages of pregnancy.

While popular, this trend has raised concerns about perpetuating unrealistic beauty standards. Critics argue that these photos often portray an idealized image of pregnancy, emphasizing youth and slimness, which can be detrimental to the body image of new mothers.

The "pre-set maternity photo" trend highlights the evolving social landscape in China. It reflects a desire for personal expression and a willingness to challenge traditional norms, even as the country grapples with declining birth rates.

Image: scmp.com

Image: scmp.com

Source: scmp.com

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