Vienna's $2 Million Water Fountain: A Plumbing Nightmare or Artistic Masterpiece?



The WirWasser fountain is a controversial work of art that was unveiled in Vienna, Austria, in October 2023. The fountain is a circle of 33 human-like figures sitting in a circle, with a jet of water shooting up from the center. The fountain was designed by the artist collective Gelitin to commemorate the 150th anniversary of Vienna's modern water system.


The fountain has been widely criticized for its unusual design and high cost. Some people have called it the "ugliest fountain in the world," while others have said that it looks like a pile of plumbing pipes. The fountain's cost, €1.8 million ($2 million), has also been criticized. Some people have argued that the money could have been better spent on other projects, such as affordable housing or public transportation.

Despite the criticism, the fountain's supporters say that it is a valuable work of art. They argue that the fountain is thought-provoking and challenges people to think about their relationship with water. The fountain is also said to be a popular tourist attraction.

The WirWasser fountain is made of bronze and is approximately 10 meters in diameter. The figures are all different shapes and sizes, and they are sitting in a variety of poses. Some of the figures are holding hands, while others are looking up at the jet of water.

The artists have said that the design of the fountain is meant to represent the "communal responsibility for water." They argue that water is a precious resource that we all need to share and protect. The circle of figures represents the community, and the jet of water represents the life-giving power of water.






Overall, the WirWasser fountain is a controversial work of art that has generated a lot of discussion. Whether you love it or hate it, there is no doubt that it is a unique and thought-provoking piece of art.

On the X account many Netizens made fun of this fountain with funny posts.

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