Japanese Ryokan Offers Cat Companions To Spend The Night Together

A ryokan inn called My Cat Yugawara and is located in the hot spring town of Yugawara, Kanagawa Prefecture, offers, a  package that allows guests to experience sleeping with a cat.

Everyone who purchases the package will share their room with a cat. The feline will arrive at 5.30 PM and stay until 9 AM. During that time, guests must not leave the cat unattended. The guests are also required to complete at the trial session to make sure they’re comfortable around with the cats and that the cats are comfortable with them too. 

They also have to clean its litter box with a scooper when they check-in. The trial package is a ¥ 2,200 (USD 21) per-cat surcharge over the hotel’s regular price of ¥ 4,950 (USD 47) per person, or room rate of ¥ 3,190 (USD 30) per guest  for those staying in a room without a private bathroom.

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