Eerie Crack Forces Closure of North Carolina Amusement Park Ride


Carowinds, an amusement park located in Charlotte, North Carolina, closed its Fury 325 roller coaster on Friday, July 1, 2023, after a guest spotted a crack in one of the ride's support beams. The crack was located at the top of a steel support pillar, and it was reportedly large enough to see from the ground. The park immediately closed the ride and evacuated all riders.


In a statement, Carowinds said that the safety of its guests is its top priority, and that the ride would remain closed until a full inspection could be conducted. The inspection is being conducted by the North Carolina Department of Labor's Amusement Device Bureau. The bureau's chief, Tommy Petty, said that the inspection could take several days.

Fury 325 is a giga coaster, which means that it is taller than 300 feet. It is one of the tallest roller coasters in North America. The ride reaches speeds of up to 95 miles per hour and has a 325-foot drop.

The closure of Fury 325 is a reminder of the risks that can sometimes be associated with amusement park rides. However, it is important to note that these rides are inspected regularly and are designed to be safe.

In the meantime, Carowinds is offering refunds to guests who had tickets to ride Fury 325. The park is also offering free ride tickets to guests who can provide proof that they were evacuated from the ride on Friday.


News source:

Youtube: Carowinds

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