Germany Creators Of Pinky Gloves Were Slammed On Social Media For Creating Pink Tampon Disposal Gloves

The German men behind Pinky Gloves — a product intended to prevent people from getting menstrual blood on their hands while removing tampons or other period products — are being dragged on social media for what many are calling a female body-shaming concept.

Presenting the idea on German television to the “Dragons Den” reality show, these founders then found another man who decided the “Pinky Glove” was a good idea — investor ‘dragon’ Ralf, who backed the idea with 30,000 euros. The pink plastic gloves, which double as disposal bags, would set you back €11.96  ($14.31) for a pack of 48. 

The founders of the pink glove have received a lot of feedback on social media since their television appearance. A German entrepreneur duo and their celebrity investor made public apologies after their latest invention was met negative feedback and angry feminist in social media.

Statement of apology

"At no point did we intend to discredit anyone or make a natural process taboo. The development of our product and the communication with it was not well thought out. People make mistakes - and you have to deal with mistakes, you have to learn from them and you should also be given the chance to work on mistakes.

Together with Ralf, we have decided that the Pinky Gloves will be taken off the market and have initiated all the necessary measures accordingly. We are stopping all purchasing and sales activities.

We apologize to everyone whose feelings and emotions have been hurt. We can understand that so many are upset about it. We continue to welcome the fact that an important debate has started, where the objective and constructive culture of debate will hopefully regain the upper hand.

What affects us in the long term is the fact that we are exposed to a violent wave of hatred, bullying and threats of violence, including death threats. We are attacked and verbally abused on the street. We took the criticism to heart and understood it. We can no longer take it and are at the end of our strength. Please stop attacking and threatening us, our families and supporters."

Eugene & André 

Negative feedback on Social Media by Netizen

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