Ouch It Hurts! How To Shut Your Girlfriend's Talking Mouth With Style

A young man named Khoirul Anam once went viral in Indonesia at the end of 2020, when he made a banner to accompany a bachelor girl and celebrate the new year with him. Through advertisement on his banner, Khoirul had found a girlfriend named Intan Shinta.
But now Khoirul has gone viral again in social media. According to him, his lover, Intan Shinta, was too possessive and always accused him riding a motorcycle with other women besides herself. 
To make his lover, not misunderstand, he brought his motorcycle to the workshop by adding large, sharp nails in the seat of the motorcycle pillion. In the photo, the guava is embedded deeply in the ‘nail seat’ probably meaning no one can sit there. 
After the seats were filled with large and sharp nails, Khoirul then showed his motorcycle to his lover, Intan. But the Intan face immediately frowned and perhaps regretted her accusations. 
"You always accuse me of carrying other girls ... if my bike is not modified like this you still want to accuse me again ... I'm a loyal guy with #sulekersss," wrote Khoirul Anam on his Facebook status.
"That's why being a girlfriend, don't be possessive, Intan Shinta, if my bike seat doesn't modified it easy for you to ride... but important thing to be loyal too.. #sulekersss," wrote Khoirul Anam on his Facebook wall again. 

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