Did Aliens Remove The Mystery Metallic Monolith In Utah?


The mystery metallic structure in Utah desert was accidentally found in late November left the world flummoxed, even drawing comparisons with Stan Kubrick’s sci-fi classic ‘2001: A Space Age Odyssey’ has triggered frenzied chatter while spawning a rail of conspiracy theories on social media.

However, more than its unexplained appearance, it was its disappearance, and just days after, a similar version has been reportedly spotted in the Romanian city of Piatra Neamt and now in California that got everyone talking and even led to wild theories linking it to the aliens. The meme slowly starts trending when popular brands are making this whole thing even weirder with their own meme. 

From global brands such as McDonalds and Amazon to the meme-loving Nagpur Police, all have been using the mysterious monoliths and their popularity to engage in some fun on Twitter. Ripley’s Believe It or Not is also offering a $10,000 reward to the person who comes forth as the owner of the bizarre structure or who can share information on where to find it.

▼ Mystery Metallic Monolith in Utah

▼ Mystery Metallic Monolith in Romania

▼ Mystery Metallic Monolith in California

▼ The Memes

▼ Video when metallic monolith was found

▼ Video when metallic monolith was removed

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