Coronavirus Makes Condoms Are Almost Sold Out In Singapore

With a total of 47 confirmed Coronavirus or COVD-19 cases in Singapore (data from 11 February). Many Singaporeans began to panic and rushed to buy rather goods and utensils in the supermarket. 

The panic buy leaves supermarket runs out of things. There are no more to sell. While the government saying that it is not necessary the citizens to rush to stock up goods on anything but it's useless. The best-selling product during this time in Singapore, it will be face mask, hand washing gels, tissue paper, non-perishable food including 'condoms'.  

Condoms have become a very popular product at there. The shelves for selling condoms in the supermarket are almost sold out and out of stock. That's because some Singaporeans use it to protect their fingers from touching the elevator buttons in public and home buildings. Some Netizens think the idea may not be good and wasteful. If the item is damaged, it's useless. Some of them say it's not the real purpose of using it, especially during Valentine's Day.

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