Pillow Bra For Fight Skin Creases And Cleavage Wrinkles When Sleeping

The ‘pillow bra’ was designed by anti-aging company Sleep & Glow – claims to ‘fight skin creases and cleavage wrinkles when sleeping on the side’.

Sleep & Glow have described their product as a ‘must have’ for ‘ladies who want their boobs with gorgeous forms’. You can buy this product for US$69 from Sleep & Glow website. The pillow bra was first spotted on Instagram by journalist Olivia Messer and more Netizen are commenting about it. With the harsh and funny comment from Netizen, Sleep & Glow said in a statement: ‘We hadn’t expected that our ad would generate such a discussion. Our pillow bra product is for those ladies who are concerned about cleavage wrinkles. In no way we were raising such a concern among women who don’t have it. It’s a free choice of every lady to be or not to be concerned about this problem. 

‘Many women use cloths and towels to separate breasts during sleep to fight cleavage wrinkles and sweating. We have developed the pillow bra, which is much better than those ‘do it yourself’ solutions. Our mission was and is to improve lives of women, who are concerned about the problem of cleavage wrinkles. ‘Beauty care is a personal choice of every woman and we respect any choice she makes.’

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